Global Equality Matters delivers gender equality results across different sectors through consulting, advisory services and capacity building.
Specific focus areas include:
Gender mainstreaming in policies, organisations and projects and programmes
Tailored gender equality strategies and gender action plans
Gender-responsive strategies and content plans for external communications and social media
Organizational gender assessments, evaluations and gender audits
Capacity building assessments
Tailored gender training packages and workshops (online and in-person)
Training in gender-responsive communications and inclusive language
Training on gender-responsive and inclusive leadership
Speaking engagements
Coaching for gender equality professionals
Areas of Specialization
Global Equality Matters works in multiple sectors and thematic areas, specializing in:
Gender, conflict and peacebuilding
Gender matters in conflict and post-conflict reconstruction. Yet, significant gaps remain in terms of understanding and meaningfully addressing the gendered dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding in global policy and practice.
UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace and Security agenda
20 years since the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security - and still so much more work to be done to achieve its goals around participation, prevention, protection and post-conflict recovery.
Gender-based violence prevention and response programming
With 1 in 3 women experiencing a form of gender-based violence in their lifetime, this is one of the most pervasive human rights violations of our time. GBV is prevalent, but it can be prevented.
Gender in development & humanitarian response
Understanding how emergencies and crises affect women, girls, boys, men and people with diverse gender identities differently is critical to implementing effective humanitarian preparedness and response as well as development policies.
Gender and health
Gender norms, roles and relations impact people’s health around the world. Addressing gender-related barriers to health services and increasing the quality, accessibility and availability of healthcare to all is not possible without a gender-responsive approach.
Gender-responsive leadership
Organizational or institutional gender mainstreaming is not possible without meaningful leadership commitment and engagement. Gender-responsive leadership is the prerequisite for thriving organizations looking to achieve results for gender equality and broader development outcomes.
Get in contact to discuss opportunities for collaboration and how GEM can help you achieve your gender equality goals:
Free resource!
Have you ever felt unsure about how to properly use gender-neutral and inclusive language when you speak or write? Do you want to ensure that the way you communicate advances gender equality and addresses harmful gender stereotypes?
Sign up to receive your free copy of the GEM quick tips for gender-inclusive language.